Monday, April 2, 2007

WEEK SIX - Thing 14

I had already familiarized myself with Technorati, but I did more research into it. I did the exercise where I typed “Learning 2.0” as a keyword search into Blog posts, tags, and in the Blog Directory. The results were each different from one another although some of the information did overlap and repeat. I think that "Learning 2.0" as a tag search provided the least information / hits.

As an aside, while browsing through Technorati, I read a fascinating blog article from a person who apparently caused many people a lot of stress/upset with his April 1st blog (the content of which he has erased and didn't want to talk about). He had written the blog as an April Fool's Day joke, and hoped/assumed his regular readers would understand that his tone was tongue-in-cheek. Instead, many feathers were ruffled and people were very, very upset. I wish I'd been able to read his April Fool's blog! In any case, I am continuing to enjoy more of what I learn from this learning series.

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