Monday, April 2, 2007


I listened to the tutorial about and found it pretty interesting. Then I went to and checked out the Hotlist and clicked on various links with titles I found intriguing. I enjoyed looking at sites that people had bookmarked, this one in particular:

It's a bit of a visual chronicling of a man's journey into fitness. LOL.

Tagging and bookmarking will provide for me greater access to subject matter that appeals to me, and will connect me with other people who are equally interested in such subjects.

I think this covers "THING 13," and I have done all the exercised up through Week Six now, so my next blog will be titled THING 14 and my remaining blogs in 2.0 will progress in that manner. I had tried to go into my earlier blogs and alter them so that it would be clear that I had done all the things for each week to date, but I couldn't figure out how to alter old blogs.

1 comment:

Virtual Services Team said...

Don't forget to do thing #12, which is rolling your own search tool with Rollyo.