Monday, April 2, 2007

Thing 16

I had no idea what a Wiki was before reading about it in this exercise. I had experience with Wikipedia but never understood the full extent of what Wiki is all about. Even though I am a bit of a stickler for wanting information to be confirmed by a reliable source, I have a great appreciation for Wiki and what it is all about. I believe in the philosophy that "two heads are better than one..." so it would stand to reason that even more heads would be even better, when working toward information-gathering and dissemination. I like the concept of a large group of people collaborating on ideas together, each person bringing in his/her own expertise and varied, updated knowledge.

I really liked the Book Lovers Wiki, developed by Princeton Public. It is cool that site visitors can read not only book content but get personal reviews and ratings.

I also looked at Libraryoutreach Wiki, which seemed a clever way to interact with other librarians, share ideas about outreach programs, etc. It sounds like SJPL is working toward creating something like this which librarians throughout our system can share ideas and strategies on outreach programs and inhouse programs/events, too.

Thing 15

I read "Web 2.0" and was fascinated by the "Away from the Iceburgs" and "Into a new world of librarianship" sections/perspectives. I find that it is soooo true that the library is constantly needing to change and adapt with the advances in technology. I couldn't have imagined how much our jobs and how much the needs of the communities would be changing when I first started back in the 80's. I am so glad that we are in an industry that acknowledges (somewhat begrudgingly at times, I'll admit) the continual needs for change. I agree that while it is important to preserve some of the philosophies behind our services, it is equally important to embrace and explore the ever-changing needs of a technologically savvy public. I think that "Learning 2.0" is a wonderful way to introduce SJPL and SJSU staffs to some of the "cutting edge" technologies that are becoming mainstream. And while there are some disadvantages to some of the newer technologies that are out there, there are many, many great things about all the information sharing that is now prevalant.

WEEK SIX - Thing 14

I had already familiarized myself with Technorati, but I did more research into it. I did the exercise where I typed “Learning 2.0” as a keyword search into Blog posts, tags, and in the Blog Directory. The results were each different from one another although some of the information did overlap and repeat. I think that "Learning 2.0" as a tag search provided the least information / hits.

As an aside, while browsing through Technorati, I read a fascinating blog article from a person who apparently caused many people a lot of stress/upset with his April 1st blog (the content of which he has erased and didn't want to talk about). He had written the blog as an April Fool's Day joke, and hoped/assumed his regular readers would understand that his tone was tongue-in-cheek. Instead, many feathers were ruffled and people were very, very upset. I wish I'd been able to read his April Fool's blog! In any case, I am continuing to enjoy more of what I learn from this learning series.


I listened to the tutorial about and found it pretty interesting. Then I went to and checked out the Hotlist and clicked on various links with titles I found intriguing. I enjoyed looking at sites that people had bookmarked, this one in particular:

It's a bit of a visual chronicling of a man's journey into fitness. LOL.

Tagging and bookmarking will provide for me greater access to subject matter that appeals to me, and will connect me with other people who are equally interested in such subjects.

I think this covers "THING 13," and I have done all the exercised up through Week Six now, so my next blog will be titled THING 14 and my remaining blogs in 2.0 will progress in that manner. I had tried to go into my earlier blogs and alter them so that it would be clear that I had done all the things for each week to date, but I couldn't figure out how to alter old blogs.